Before you set up your Notion, take a moment to read through what each feature of this template does and how you can best use it!

The Different Databases:

Classes Database: On your homepage you’ll see a gallery of 6 classes. This classes will help your organize all of the assignments you’ll have throughout the year! I would recommend not deleting and instead editing one-by-one as I’ll explain later.

To-Do Master Database: This database holds every item that you need to complete for your academics or extra curriculars. The Master Calendar, Upcoming Exams, and Upcoming Assignments on your homepage all come from this database. In the Master To-Do page there are multiple different views that are already associate with each class and extra-curricular created to help you stay organized! You delete these tasks and edits the views… I will help you with that later!

Projects Master Database: Not everyone has projects, but for those of you who do this database will come in handy! The projects database allows for you to keep organized with all of the individual tasks for a project in one place.

Lectures Master Database: If your open up each class you will see a linked view to the Lectures Master Database! This allows for you to keep lecture notes in Notion that are then organized by date.

Extra-Curricular/Work Database: This is where you will keep track of your extra-curriculars and any jobs you may have!

How to set-up your College Planner:

If you are brand new to Notion, I recommend spending some time getting familiar with the application. You can watch these videos to help

New to Notion

Notion 101

Okay, now let’s get started: